For my next interview, I have Ben Brown visiting on a one day stop. Ben is on holiday, but will be around to chat with readers.
A little bit about Ben before we start:
Ben Brown was born in Reading, England. He struggled through school academically. Diagnosed with dyslexia meant being removed from class to attend “remedial” lessons. Ben did not enjoy reading and writing, and left school early to work with his father as a builder. It wasn’t until his mid twenties that Ben persisted in teaching himself to read and finally read his first novel.
Ben emigrated to Perth, Western Australia in 1990 where he now lives with his wife and two teenagers.
He planned his first novel each day while working as a bricklayer, to pass the hours. His love of scientific facts, futuristic possibilities and fast-paced action is what makes his first novel a great read.
Ben and I are glad you joined us today. And to celebrate this occasion, Ben is giving away a coupon for a free copy of Enhanced on Smashwords and it's valid till the 31st of January.
Louise: Ben, welcome to my blog! I’m so excited you could join me for a chat. When did you first decide to submit your work to be published? Tell us what or who encouraged you to take this big step.
Ben: Thank you for having me. I first decided to see if I could get Enhanced published after a friend at work read it. Of course, all my family told me how much they had enjoyed it, but he was the first, none-relative, to compliment the book. I think it was then, that I began to think it might be good.
Louise: Please tell a little about your new release Enhanced without giving too much of a spoiler away.
Ben: I like exploring breakthroughs in science, and opportunities that are just over the technological horizon. With that in mind, I find the field of genetic engineering, and stem cell research particularly intriguing. I heard of some research where scientists attempted to reverse engineer the DNA of chickens, turning some of their aspects back to reptilian states, namely teeth. This fascinated me. Then I thought, what if certain humans had ancient strands of DNA code, that when turned on, made them super human? Well, that idea blossomed into developing power hungry maniacs and the trials of those who needed to stop them.
The book follows the conflict around the world, as one side tries for world domination, and the other tries to stop them. It’s your classic struggle for humanity.
Louise: Do you plan all your characters out before you start a story or do they develop as you write?
Ben: I had a clear image of the four main protagonists, but everyone else just seemed to pop up as the story evolved. I would get excited as a new character would enter my head, I would never know exactly how each would develop. A good example of this is, Michael. When he first appeared in the book, I thought I knew what he was going to do. However, as the book grew, so did he. I found myself liking him more and more. He began to do things that made me change my original plans for him. He became one of my favorites, which took me by surprise.
Louise: How much research do you do for your books? Have you found any cool tidbits in your research?
Ben: I researched this book a great deal; I wanted the places my protagonists visited, to be as accurate as possible. In fact, one of the people editing the book asked me, “When did you go to New York? Your descriptions of Ellis Island seemed so vivid.” I answered, “Never, I just read everything I could find about the place.” I applied this to all the aspects of the book, the scientific facts are just tweaked a bit, stretched for more effect. One of the things that I found hardest to find, was the catholic ritual of the last rights, I wanted this accurate. I ended up contacting a catholic monastery here in Perth, they kindly sent me it verbatim, and explained its origins, and meaning. I found the research heaps of fun, but hard at times. Accuracy is always an issue when researching on the net.
Louise: What is your writing process? Do you outline, write by the seat of your pants (Pantser) or a combination of both?
Ben: This is how I write; I make it up as I go along. For instance, the idea for Enhanced popped into my head, so I sat down and started writing. The story revealed itself to me with every key stroke. I had no idea at the beginning of the book, of how it would end. I write like that all the time, I find it as exciting as reading a book that I have never read. Plot twists, and characters suddenly appear to me, I don’t know what will happen next. It’s like I’m watching a movie in my head, and all I have to do is write it down.
Louise: Do you write full time? What did you do before you became a writer or still do?
Ben: Like most writers, I have to work; writing hasn’t made me rich yet. I work in construction, which I have done since I left school at fifteen. I have dyslexia, and left school all but illiterate, I didn’t finish high school. I worked in my father’s company in the UK, and then I immigrated to Perth at the age of twenty-three. With the help of my wife, and the aid of a PC, I learned to read thanks to sites like Project Gutenberg. The first book I ever read was an eBook, The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. I have an affinity for eBooks; I think they’re the future of publishing.
Louise: Do you have a ritual when it comes to writing? Example….get coffee, blanket, paper, pen, laptop and a comfy place.
Ben: No, not really, that said, I always write in my study. Thanks to my dyslexia, I need complete silence to both read, and write. So I shut the door, pull the blinds, and just type.
Louise: Describe a typical writing day for you.
Ben: Most of my real writing happens on a Sunday. I get up early, around 5.30am, and write for all it’s worth. I take breaks to watch a bit of TV, or listen to music, then back in to it again. During the week, I tinker with what I’ve written, fine tuning it.
Louise: Please give us a sneak peek at your future books. What’s on the horizon?
Ben: Obviously, I’m working on the sequel to Enhanced, but I’m also writing a book following on from a short story I wrote. Rescue Unit 867a, won third place in a short story contest at, I want to see what happens to John Saunders, the main character in Rescue Unit, three years down the track from where I left him.
I also have a book out called, Pohon Setan, you can find that on Amazon.
Louise: What is your favorite genre to read and who is your favorite author?
Ben: I like all sorts really, everything from Tolkien, to King. I like action packed books, Matthew Reilly, an Aussie author, is good at that genre. I also like another author found at AKW Books, John Bowers. I’ve read all of his many books. If you love action packed epics, then he’s your man.
Louise: Is there anything else you would like to tell the readers we have not touched on?
Ben: Only this, give writing a go, it’s rewarding beyond belief. Don’t do it thinking you’ll be the next Stephen King, do it because it stretches the mind and the soul. Writing has helped to free me from my own self-doubts. Everything involved in getting Enhanced out there, has been a great experience, and one I will always hold close to my heart. I know that sounds a bit maudlin, but I mean it. Thank you for the opportunity of this interview, I’ve enjoyed it a great deal.
Louise: Thank you for visiting on my blog. And have a great holiday trip! Where can the readers learn more about you and find your books on the web?
Ben: The easiest place to find everything about my writing is my Web site. You can find links to both my books there, as well as samples of each. In addition, Rescue Unit 867a can be downloaded free from there.
Readers, don't forget to leave a comments with your email address included. One lucky commenter will be drawn for a free copy of Enhanced choice of eBook format at Smashwords.
Enhanced Blurb:
Zac was just an ordinary man, in an ordinary town, with an ordinary life. He drudged through his existence with tedious resignation. That was, until he met the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, Lea Abella. He felt drawn to her, not just because of her beauty; she had something else. However, after she drugged him, and he woke in the secret lab of Dr. Henry Skinner, he felt those feelings may have been misplaced.
Zac had a rare and ancient DNA code, one that when unlocked by Dr. Skinner would enhance every cell in his body, changing him forever. Strength, endurance, senses, everything would improve immensely. In short, he would become — superhuman. However, there was a catch. Dr. Skinner had carried out the unlocking procedure a number of times before. The first“subject” had been his son. He’d unlocked Dominic’s code in an attempt to cure his insanity. Instead, he unleashed the biggest threat to humanity the world had ever seen. Dr. Skinner needed Zac’s abilities for one reason: he would be the only “subject” powerful enough to stop his son’s plans of world domination.
Zac, Lea, and a small team of crack soldiers, head out on a worldwide chase, a hunt that can end in only one of two ways: either stop Dominic and his band of enhanced psychopaths … or die trying.
This fast paced, action packed novel travels the globe in an adrenalin-filled race
against time. From the Berkshire Downs of the UK, to New York and Africa, the
tale moves from one breathtaking battle to the next.
Pohon Setan Blurb:
Chelsea Brown dreamt of being a journalist her whole life. Now, that dream was about to come true. She and her two friends, graduated university together, and were about to embark on their first assignment.
Under the guidance of veteran reporter, and alcoholic, Bill Redcliff, the group head to Java to investigate tales of disturbing animal cruelty. However, what they find is far more horrific, and Chelsea’s dream quickly turns into a nightmare.
Bradley Munroe, ex S.A.S, had made a lucrative living rescuing hostages from dangerous situations. The biggest challenge of his career now lay in Indonesia. Munroe would need to face something he’d never encountered before. It would push him to the limits of his formidable skills.
You can also find Ben on Twitter and his Blog.
Purchase Links for Enhanced:
AKW Books
Ben also has a sequel in progress, The Eden Hole, to his short story, Rescue Unit 867a, which can be downloaded free from his site. It follows the story of John Saunders three years after the disaster.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Author Interview - Ben Brown Dec 19
Ben Brown,
Louise James
Friday, December 16, 2011
Author Interview - Kirkus Macgowen Dec 17 - 18
Today and tomorrow I welcome Kirkus Macgowen (Kirk) to my blog. This is very exciting because this is my first author interview. Kirk is an upcoming author who is here to chat about his newly released book and how he became a writer.
Before we start with the interview, I'd like to share Kirk's BIO.
Kirkus MacGowan wrote his first novel at age eight about traveling to Mars and finding the cure for Cancer. He put his writing dreams on hold for twenty-five years and focused his energies on playing baseball. He moved on when he found playing softball with his friends more enjoyable.
Since then, he graduated with a B.S. in Psychology, married a woman too good to be true, and moved back to his hometown. He gave up an amazing career waiting tables and now stays at home with his two crazy children. He spends his time writing thrillers and fantasy, playing softball with friends, enjoying the occasional computer game, and wrestling with his kids.
Let's give a warm welcome to Kirk!
Louise: Kirkus welcome to my blog! I’m so excited you could join me for a chat. When did you first decide to submit your work to be published? Tell us what or who encouraged you to take this big step.
Kirkus: Thanks for the opportunity to guest post on your blog, Louise. From the time I first held a crayon I wanted to write a book. I put it off for years to pursue a different dream, playing professional baseball. Needless to say, I didn’t make it. Right around this time last year the writing dreams flooded back. I simply made the decision to do so (after asking permission from the wife of course).
Louise: Please tell us a little about your new release The Fall of Billy Hitchings without giving too much of a spoiler away.
Kirkus: This sounds corny, but the climax for The Fall of Billy Hitchings came to me in a dream. I woke with a start and sat straight up in bed. I ran to find a notebook and wrote down as much as I could remember. Hence the birth of my first novel. It’s a fast paced mystery/thriller with ancient relics, police chases, witty remarks, romance thrown in for good measure, and a nice taste of hope. Some humor as well.
Louise: Do you plan all your characters out before you start a story or do they develop as you write?
Kirkus: Great question. I have an idea for one or two, but the rest develop as I write. On occasion I’ll have a character in mind that I need to write into a story.
Louise: How much research do you do for your books? Have you found any cool tidbits in your research?
Kirkus: I didn’t have to do much research for the first book, but the one I’m working on now is a different story. It’s interesting a single thing can be called so many different names depending on where a story takes place. In the United States, what we call a janitor or custodian is generally called a caretaker in Europe. Something so simple, yet it can increase the plausibility of a story by so much.
Louise: What is your writing process? Do you outline, write by the seat of your pants (Pantser) or a combination of both?
Kirkus: I began as a Pantser. About 50k words into The Fall of Billy Hitchings I hit a snag. Hard to explain, but the plot line was lost. I knew where I wanted to go but had no idea how to get there. Over a two month period I cut 25k words and created an outline. It was tough, but I learned from my mistakes. I have a cork board covered in notes for my next book sitting next to me as we speak.
Louise: Do you write full time? What did you do before you became a writer or still do?
Kirkus: Yes and no. I tended bar when I met my wife. After getting married and having our first child, I went back to college. When the Michigan economy (and much of the U.S.) had the tremendous downturn, it actually cost me more to work and pay for child care than if I stayed home. I became a stay at home dad and finished up school. That same month is when I became a writer.
We’ve adjusted our schedule to accommodate school, and now writing. My wife works three twelve hour shifts over the weekend and Monday. The four days in between are my writing days. Well, as much as a three year old boy and a nineteen month old girl will allow it to be.
Louise: Do you have a ritual when it comes to writing? Example….get coffee, blanket, paper, pen, laptop and a comfy place.
Kirkus: We turned a storage room in the basement into a study. Right now I’m sitting on a love seat with my legs propped up on a stool. I’m wrapped in a comforter (remember I live in Michigan) with my laptop propped up on my lap. Of utmost importance is the hot cup of coffee on the desk next to me and the abnormally large headphones I use to listen to classical music.
Louise: Describe a typical writing day for you.
Kirkus: When I finally find the strength to pull myself away from my children, typically around nine in the morning, I head to the study. No internet, just the music. I write for a minimum of two hours, usually three. Take a quick break (again, depending on the little ones) and this time sit at our desktop computer. Though I’m still working, at least I can spend the time in the same room as my family. I spend at least two hours on social media, responding to email, or critiquing work for my writer friends. The rest of the day I’ll sneak in tidbits when I can.
Louise: Please give us a sneak peek at your future books. What’s on the horizon?
Kirkus: My current work in progress is currently named The Sixth Deadly Sin, a psychological thriller involving one of the main characters from my first book. It’s about a third of the way complete and I have the first chapter up on my blog.
Louise: What is your favorite genre to read and who is your favorite author?
Kirkus: I tend to switch back and forth between thrillers and epic fantasy. Dean Koontz is my typical favorite, but right now I’m leaning toward epic fantasy author Brandon Sanderson, author of The Way of Kings.
Louise: Is there anything else you would like to tell the readers we have not touched on?
Kirkus: Feel free to contact me on any of the social media sites or my blog. I enjoy chatting about reading, writing, parenting, and just about anything else. I also love to hear feedback on my works. It gives me a chance to meet the readers and learn what I can do to improve my future books.
Louise: Where can the readers learn more about you and find your books on the web?
Kirkus: On my web site and blog: Diapers, Bookmarks, and Pipe Dreams, Facebook Fan page, Twitter, Amazon Author page, Goodreads and Smashwords.
Louise: Thank you again Kirk for visiting us. Readers below are the purchase links, but before you run up to buy his book, leave a comment for a chance to win it! One lucky commenter will be drawn to win a copy of The Fall of Billy Hitchings. Comments are open until Dec 18, 11 pm PST.
Also I have included a link below where you can read an excerpt on his future release The Sixth Deadly Sin.
Information and excerpt link The Sixth Deadly Sin
Before we start with the interview, I'd like to share Kirk's BIO.
Kirkus MacGowan wrote his first novel at age eight about traveling to Mars and finding the cure for Cancer. He put his writing dreams on hold for twenty-five years and focused his energies on playing baseball. He moved on when he found playing softball with his friends more enjoyable.
Since then, he graduated with a B.S. in Psychology, married a woman too good to be true, and moved back to his hometown. He gave up an amazing career waiting tables and now stays at home with his two crazy children. He spends his time writing thrillers and fantasy, playing softball with friends, enjoying the occasional computer game, and wrestling with his kids.
Let's give a warm welcome to Kirk!
Louise: Kirkus welcome to my blog! I’m so excited you could join me for a chat. When did you first decide to submit your work to be published? Tell us what or who encouraged you to take this big step.
Kirkus: Thanks for the opportunity to guest post on your blog, Louise. From the time I first held a crayon I wanted to write a book. I put it off for years to pursue a different dream, playing professional baseball. Needless to say, I didn’t make it. Right around this time last year the writing dreams flooded back. I simply made the decision to do so (after asking permission from the wife of course).
Louise: Please tell us a little about your new release The Fall of Billy Hitchings without giving too much of a spoiler away.
Kirkus: This sounds corny, but the climax for The Fall of Billy Hitchings came to me in a dream. I woke with a start and sat straight up in bed. I ran to find a notebook and wrote down as much as I could remember. Hence the birth of my first novel. It’s a fast paced mystery/thriller with ancient relics, police chases, witty remarks, romance thrown in for good measure, and a nice taste of hope. Some humor as well.
Louise: Do you plan all your characters out before you start a story or do they develop as you write?
Kirkus: Great question. I have an idea for one or two, but the rest develop as I write. On occasion I’ll have a character in mind that I need to write into a story.
Louise: How much research do you do for your books? Have you found any cool tidbits in your research?
Kirkus: I didn’t have to do much research for the first book, but the one I’m working on now is a different story. It’s interesting a single thing can be called so many different names depending on where a story takes place. In the United States, what we call a janitor or custodian is generally called a caretaker in Europe. Something so simple, yet it can increase the plausibility of a story by so much.
Louise: What is your writing process? Do you outline, write by the seat of your pants (Pantser) or a combination of both?
Kirkus: I began as a Pantser. About 50k words into The Fall of Billy Hitchings I hit a snag. Hard to explain, but the plot line was lost. I knew where I wanted to go but had no idea how to get there. Over a two month period I cut 25k words and created an outline. It was tough, but I learned from my mistakes. I have a cork board covered in notes for my next book sitting next to me as we speak.
Louise: Do you write full time? What did you do before you became a writer or still do?
Kirkus: Yes and no. I tended bar when I met my wife. After getting married and having our first child, I went back to college. When the Michigan economy (and much of the U.S.) had the tremendous downturn, it actually cost me more to work and pay for child care than if I stayed home. I became a stay at home dad and finished up school. That same month is when I became a writer.
We’ve adjusted our schedule to accommodate school, and now writing. My wife works three twelve hour shifts over the weekend and Monday. The four days in between are my writing days. Well, as much as a three year old boy and a nineteen month old girl will allow it to be.
Louise: Do you have a ritual when it comes to writing? Example….get coffee, blanket, paper, pen, laptop and a comfy place.
Kirkus: We turned a storage room in the basement into a study. Right now I’m sitting on a love seat with my legs propped up on a stool. I’m wrapped in a comforter (remember I live in Michigan) with my laptop propped up on my lap. Of utmost importance is the hot cup of coffee on the desk next to me and the abnormally large headphones I use to listen to classical music.
Louise: Describe a typical writing day for you.
Kirkus: When I finally find the strength to pull myself away from my children, typically around nine in the morning, I head to the study. No internet, just the music. I write for a minimum of two hours, usually three. Take a quick break (again, depending on the little ones) and this time sit at our desktop computer. Though I’m still working, at least I can spend the time in the same room as my family. I spend at least two hours on social media, responding to email, or critiquing work for my writer friends. The rest of the day I’ll sneak in tidbits when I can.
Louise: Please give us a sneak peek at your future books. What’s on the horizon?
Kirkus: My current work in progress is currently named The Sixth Deadly Sin, a psychological thriller involving one of the main characters from my first book. It’s about a third of the way complete and I have the first chapter up on my blog.
Louise: What is your favorite genre to read and who is your favorite author?
Kirkus: I tend to switch back and forth between thrillers and epic fantasy. Dean Koontz is my typical favorite, but right now I’m leaning toward epic fantasy author Brandon Sanderson, author of The Way of Kings.
Louise: Is there anything else you would like to tell the readers we have not touched on?
Kirkus: Feel free to contact me on any of the social media sites or my blog. I enjoy chatting about reading, writing, parenting, and just about anything else. I also love to hear feedback on my works. It gives me a chance to meet the readers and learn what I can do to improve my future books.
Louise: Where can the readers learn more about you and find your books on the web?
Kirkus: On my web site and blog: Diapers, Bookmarks, and Pipe Dreams, Facebook Fan page, Twitter, Amazon Author page, Goodreads and Smashwords.
Louise: Thank you again Kirk for visiting us. Readers below are the purchase links, but before you run up to buy his book, leave a comment for a chance to win it! One lucky commenter will be drawn to win a copy of The Fall of Billy Hitchings. Comments are open until Dec 18, 11 pm PST.
Also I have included a link below where you can read an excerpt on his future release The Sixth Deadly Sin.
Billy Hitchings: An ordinary kid with everyday dreams. He has a good life with his Grandmother in Myrtle Beach, only a few blocks from the Atlantic. He even enjoys his job at the local burger joint... most of the time.
John Reeves: A marine who lost his path overseas working as a mercenary in war-torn countries across the Middle East. He works as a bodyguard in New York, never quite able to get away from the action.
Dr. Amfar Ditpra: An archaeologist from India recently graduated from the University of Michigan. He and a co-worker are asked to transport an artifact their team found in Kentucky when everything implodes.
Coincidence and his own curiosity push Billy into a tangled mess of dark questions with darker answers, at the heart of which are rumors of an ancient legend and a not-so-ancient artifact. Will his new friends help him find the answers he seeks? Or will they betray him to their own needs?
Kirkus Macgowen,
Louise James,
The Fall of Billy Hitchings
Monday, December 12, 2011
New Cover for Sacred Murder
Thanks to Deanna Jewel, we brain stormed and created this new cover. Sacred Murder's setting is in New Orleans, LA so the bayou really makes the cover mysterious.
Deanna and her husband visited New Orleans during a convention last month. While on a bayou boat ride, Deanna was busy taking photos and texting me: I'm taking some awesome pics for a book cover and trailer. Gotta lover her. Even while relaxing she is still working! LOL
Here's the new cover!
Follow me on here and stop my website and read an excerpt. Join there too!
Deanna Jewel is a historical and contemporary romance author. Take a look at her blog too!
Deanna and her husband visited New Orleans during a convention last month. While on a bayou boat ride, Deanna was busy taking photos and texting me: I'm taking some awesome pics for a book cover and trailer. Gotta lover her. Even while relaxing she is still working! LOL
Here's the new cover!
Follow me on here and stop my website and read an excerpt. Join there too!
Deanna Jewel is a historical and contemporary romance author. Take a look at her blog too!
Happy Holidays Everyone!
Monday, December 5, 2011
December 18 - 24 Yes It's finally Official Grand Opening
Mark your calendars for the grand opening of An Avid Reader's Haven for 12/18 - 24th!! Prizes and fun, extra prizes to MEMBERS! Authors and Readers!!
Deanna & Louise
Monday, November 21, 2011
Author Deanna Jewel on Book Tour Radio
Our good friend Deanna Jewel – Author of Never Surrender and No Turning Back is featured on Book Tour Radio today.
Visit with Deanna as she talks about her books, her future works and reads an excerpt from Never Surrender.
Just click the 'Play Arrow" under her book covers. Enjoy!
Visit with Deanna as she talks about her books, her future works and reads an excerpt from Never Surrender.
Just click the 'Play Arrow" under her book covers. Enjoy!
Coming in 2012
Deanna Jewel,
Louise James
Monday, November 14, 2011
Grand Opening - need promo for Goodie Bags Authors!
We're going to create goodie bags for contests in December for our Grand Opening on Deanna Jewel and my new site An Avid Reader's Haven. We'd like to gather pens, bookmarks, business cards, postcards, mousepads and any other promotional tools from you all to place in the bags. If you would like to send please email me and I'll give you Deanna's mailing address. We'll announce the Grand Opening date soon. Please be sure to sign the bookmarks, business cards and postcards before sending.
louisejames157 at yahoo dot com
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Marci Perez - Homicide Detective in Sacred Murder
When I started writing Sacred Murder, I had a vision of Marci in my head. She is half Cuban/Creole with strong family ties. Marci's dad is deceased. Her mom Caroline is the person Marci draws her strength from. Caroline, like any mother, is very protective of her daughter.
Marci is very career oriented. She is somewhat of a loner and lives in her quaint little house alone. She steers away from drama so a roommate is out of the question. Caroline constantly nags (lovingly of course) Marci to find a good man and settle down.
Marci guides the story I'm weaving for Sacred Murder. When a character this strong enters an author head, well we just have to listen.
As an author comment and let us know which of your strong characters took over and weaved your story.
Marci is very career oriented. She is somewhat of a loner and lives in her quaint little house alone. She steers away from drama so a roommate is out of the question. Caroline constantly nags (lovingly of course) Marci to find a good man and settle down.
Marci guides the story I'm weaving for Sacred Murder. When a character this strong enters an author head, well we just have to listen.
Salli Richardson from Eureka is my inspiration for Marci. She's sexy and smart.
Louise James
Monday, October 24, 2011
An Avid Reader's Haven on Blogger
We extended our site to Blogger. This is where we'll post author interviews, updates, blog hops and contests.
Follow us!
Follow us!
Deanna Jewel,
Louise James
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Organizing Your Space to Write
Whether you’re a new or seasoned writer, creating the best place to write is important. You will want to find an area away from the noise and distractions with good lighting to write the next best selling novel. Here are tips to help you set up your writing space and organize your supplies.
Before you begin, examine your area to be sure you know where the wall outlets and LAN connections are. Draw the space on paper with a pencil so you can erase if needed. Add where you want the furniture. Again look at your area and imagine it just as you have drawn the layout. Make changes as needed and once you are satisfied, start arranging your room.
- First place a sturdy desk with enough area to work on and an ergonomic chair.
- Add a bookcase to hold writing references, copies of your published books, books in your same genre and writer magazines. Don’t forget a dictionary and thesaurus. You can find both online but it’s good to have hard copies near by.
- Hang a bulletin board near your desk to post inspirational photos, notes and book ideas, a list of critique groups and a calendar to mark your book signings and virtual interviews.
- A small rolling cart, equipped with drawers, will store your marketing tools such as book marks, box of business cards, postcards, envelopes and stamps.
- Add general office supply storage such as a paperclip holder, pen/pencil holder, in/out tray and a business card holder.
- Place a shelf close by for your printer designed to store extra copy paper and printer ink.
- A filing cabinet is an important item in your office. You will want to set up a good filing system to categorize your receipts for income tax purposes and other pertinent documents such as – your copy of your signed book contract.
- Include a cozy chair in a corner so when you need a break you can relax reading a book by your favorite author.
Authors need fuel while writing. You can purchase a small refrigerator for cold beverages and place a coffee pot on top to make a cup of needed caffeine or hot water for tea and hot coca.
You don’t have to spend a lot of money; look around the house or the garage for items that can be used for storage. Visit Goodwill, other second-hand stores and yard sales to find inexpensive bookshelves, storage bins and filing cabinets. Container Store, Office Depot and Walmart are great places to browse and shop to organize your space.
Your supplies should be easy to get to and organized. Clutter can result in stress. Keeping your writing space neat will help to maintain the creative mood.
After you have finished putting everything away, you can now have fun decorating your new space. Add picture frames to showcase your first payment, awards and family photos. If you are crafty, make a creative shade showing off your personality, for the lamp on your desk. Don’t forget a CD player. Music is a good muse while writing.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Author Ad Special & Grand Opening Soon!
One Month FREE w/3 month ad purchase!!
That's correct! You read it right - One month of ad space FREE when you purchase one of our 3 month ad spaces! We need YOU to help us grow our site and would love for you to join us, grab our button to place on your site, and invite your followers to stop in!
Grand Opening Coming Soon!!
We're hoping for a Dec 1st Grand Opening with author interviews, contests, giveways and new books for you to look over! Please book mark our site and mark your calendar so you don't forget to come back and join us! Sign in, become a member of our site and you'll be entered into another contest! See you then!
That's correct! You read it right - One month of ad space FREE when you purchase one of our 3 month ad spaces! We need YOU to help us grow our site and would love for you to join us, grab our button to place on your site, and invite your followers to stop in!
Grand Opening Coming Soon!!
We're hoping for a Dec 1st Grand Opening with author interviews, contests, giveways and new books for you to look over! Please book mark our site and mark your calendar so you don't forget to come back and join us! Sign in, become a member of our site and you'll be entered into another contest! See you then!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Mystery, Suspense & Musing Online Paper
I created an online paper for fans of murder and suspense books to enjoy.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
I'm on RRR with Deanna! Stop by
I'm featured on Ravencraft's Romance Realm for a few day chatting about my WIP Sacred Murder. Come on over and leave a comment to let us know you stopped by.
If you look on the right side of the blog, you'll see everyday of the week is a new author blogging on this site.
You can also LIKE RRR's FB fan page by clicking on the FB button on the left.
If you look on the right side of the blog, you'll see everyday of the week is a new author blogging on this site.
You can also LIKE RRR's FB fan page by clicking on the FB button on the left.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Welcome to my blog!
I'm Louise James. A southern girl at heart, lover of sweet ice tea and a good mystery book; I hope you will stop by often and follow if you like. While I'm busy writing my first murder and suspense book Sacred Murder, I'll be interviewing very interesting authors and promoting new releases on here.
I'm on Twitter @louisejames157 follow me there and also visit my web site Louise James, Author as I have posted an excerpt, in rough draft, from chapter 1.
Deanna Jewel and I have partnered on a new adventure. We created a new web site 'An Avid Reader's Haven'. We'll feature author interviews, book reviews, and hopefully a forum where readers and authors can chat. Coming soon -Advertising for book covers and banner space. We'll design logos, book covers, banners, bookmarks, postcards, business cards, web buttons, web sites and more at reasonable prices. Take a look at the site and bookmark to stop by often. Please Like our site by clicking the Facebook button and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Thank you for stopping by and hope you visit again!
I'm on Twitter @louisejames157 follow me there and also visit my web site Louise James, Author as I have posted an excerpt, in rough draft, from chapter 1.
Deanna Jewel and I have partnered on a new adventure. We created a new web site 'An Avid Reader's Haven'. We'll feature author interviews, book reviews, and hopefully a forum where readers and authors can chat. Coming soon -Advertising for book covers and banner space. We'll design logos, book covers, banners, bookmarks, postcards, business cards, web buttons, web sites and more at reasonable prices. Take a look at the site and bookmark to stop by often. Please Like our site by clicking the Facebook button and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Thank you for stopping by and hope you visit again!
Louise James
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